Close up of Pug Puppy at Georgia Puppies OnlinePugs are cute and highly affectionate. With their unique appearance and feisty personality, they make incredible companions. As entertaining as they are, however, they’re a breed with complex needs. To be a perfect pug parent, you need to understand and respond to their specific requirements. Even though they look sturdy, they’re still a toy dog breed. Plus, they’re so laid-back, understanding their subtle clues is imperative. Learn how to care for a pug with this handy guide.

Taking Care of a Pug Puppy

Cute facial folds and wide saucer eyes make this breed of dog one of the most expressive around. How they feel is written all over their faces, and to prevent them from getting sad or ill, you need to adhere to some strict rules. This is especially true for baby pugs. Don’t worry — they’re not demanding or difficult at all. They do have needs only their human mom or dad can take care of.

Young pugs need potty breaks every two to four hours — as they get older, they’ll learn to control themselves better. Getting toilet training right at a young age will make sure your adorable little pal gets into good bathroom habits. If they soil indoors, make sure you express an unyielding “no.”

Pug Grooming and Bathing

For pug grooming, you’ll need:

  • Cotton swabs
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Gentle dog shampoo such as oatmeal
  • Brush
  • Dog treats to reward them when you’re finished

You’ll need to give your canine friend a brush at least twice a week and vacuum them as often as possible. One of the great things about these little guys is that they love water. This makes bath time super fun. We recommend bathing your pug every three weeks. Always dry their ears carefully with a cotton swab to avoid infection.

Those lovable pug wrinkles are a hotspot for the build-up of grease, grime and anything else that can find its way in there. Don’t be tempted to use a cotton swab for this task as it can slip and damage their eyes. Use a bowl of warm water and a baby wipe or cotton ball to rub away the dirt. Be extremely gentle, as these folds are sensitive. When you’re through, use petroleum jelly to moisturize this fragile area.

Health and Exercise


During the summer months, keeping your lovable pug cool is a priority. They can dehydrate quickly and need plenty of water if they get too warm. Always be conscious of the temperature of the room your pet is in so they’re comfortable. Short-nosed breeds can easily overheat in hot or humid conditions, resulting in serious consequences. If conditions do get too warm for them, use a cold compress on their belly to cool them down.


Pugs may be small, but they need plenty of exercise to prevent them from getting overweight. Make sure you’re an expert at fun doggy games, and get them plenty of toys you can play with together. Daily walks are essential, but in summer months, be sure not to walk your pug during the hottest times of the day.


Pugs require a special diet. To make sure you get the best food for your pup and its lifestyle, you should consult a vet. Pugs love food and will try to eat anything and everything. Never give in to their demands as this could lead to obesity and health issues. To make feeding time as comfy as possible, get bowls that are raised from the ground so your pug doesn’t need to strain.

To make sure you both get as much as possible from this wonderful relationship, take the best care of your miniature miracle you possibly can. If you’re ready to become a proud pug parent, take a look at the gorgeous cute little pugs at Georgia Puppies Online.